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When delving into the world of real estate, particularly in the realm of new construction, one burning question often arises: “Who pays realtor fees on new construction?” This query is not only relevant but crucial for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market. In this informative article, we’ll explore this topic in detail, shedding light on the intricacies of realtor fees in the context of new construction projects.

Exploring Realtor Fees

Understanding Realtor Fees

Realtor fees, often referred to as commission, are a standard component of real estate transactions. These fees compensate real estate agents for their services, including property marketing, negotiations, and paperwork handling. But in the realm of new construction, things can be a bit different.

Who Typically Pays Realtor Fees?

In traditional real estate transactions, the seller usually covers the realtor fees for both their own agent and the buyer’s agent. However, in the case of new construction, this practice can vary.

Who Pays Realtor Fees on New Construction?

In the world of new construction, the responsibility for paying realtor fees can differ based on various factors:

  • Builder-Paid Commissions: Some builders may opt to pay the realtor fees for the buyer’s agent. This approach can make new construction properties more enticing to potential buyers, as they don’t have to worry about agent fees.
  • Buyer-Paid Commissions: In other cases, buyers may be required to cover the realtor fees for their agent. This scenario can depend on negotiations and the terms set forth in the purchase agreement.
  • Split Commissions: There are instances where the realtor fees are split between the builder and the buyer. This arrangement can vary, so it’s crucial for all parties involved to be aware of the agreed-upon terms.
  • Regional Variations: It’s essential to note that real estate practices can differ by region. What holds true in one area may not be the standard practice in another, so local regulations and customs play a significant role.

Navigating the New Construction Real Estate Market

Tips for Buyers

For buyers interested in new construction properties, here are some valuable tips:

  • Clarify Realtor Fee Responsibilities: During negotiations, make sure to clarify who will pay the realtor fees, whether it’s the builder, the buyer, or a shared responsibility.
  • Research Local Practices: Understand the local real estate practices in your area. Some regions may have established customs regarding realtor fees on new construction.
  • Work with an Experienced Agent: Having a knowledgeable real estate agent by your side is invaluable. They can guide you through the process and ensure you get the best deal.

Tips for Sellers

If you’re selling new construction properties, consider the following:

  • Builder Incentives: Offering to pay the realtor fees for the buyer’s agent can make your property more attractive and speed up the sale.
  • Negotiation Flexibility: Be open to negotiations regarding realtor fees. Finding a mutually beneficial arrangement can help close deals faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Man Checking the Window

Can I Negotiate Realtor Fees on New Construction?

Absolutely. Realtor fees are negotiable, and both buyers and sellers have the opportunity to discuss and agree upon who will cover these fees.

Are Realtor Fees Included in the Property Price?

In some cases, builder-paid commissions may be factored into the property’s price, indirectly affecting the buyer. It’s essential to review the purchase agreement carefully.

Do Realtor Fees Vary by Location?

Yes, realtor fees can vary depending on the local real estate market and customs. Always be aware of the practices in your specific area.

Can I Change Realtor Fee Agreements After Signing a Contract?

Changing fee agreements after signing a contract can be challenging. It’s best to clarify and finalize these details during the negotiation phase.

Do Realtor Fees Impact the Overall Cost of New Construction Properties?

Realtor fees can influence the cost of new construction properties, as they may be factored into the final price. Buyers should consider this when budgeting.

How Do I Find a Realtor Experienced in New Construction?

To find an experienced realtor in new construction, ask for recommendations, read reviews, and interview potential agents to assess their knowledge and expertise.


In the dynamic world of new construction real estate, understanding who pays realtor fees is a crucial piece of the puzzle. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, being well-informed about fee responsibilities can lead to more successful and satisfying transactions. Remember, the answer to “Who pays realtor fees on new construction?” can vary, so it’s essential to clarify these details and negotiate effectively to achieve your real estate goals.

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